Home > Loughborough Street Index > Main Street

Main Street, Zouch

This page shows businesses on Main Street. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Rose & Crown Inn

Rose & Crown Inn is a public house serving a selection of lager, ale, cider and other alcoholic drinks.

Address: 6 Main Street, Zouch, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 5EQ

Sutton Bonington Baptist Church

Sutton Bonington Baptist Church is a Christian church which hosts services and other functions.

Address: Main Street, Zouch, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 5EU

Reviews of Establishments on Main Street

Find out what people are saying about places on Main Street.

Save your time and look elsewhere - review of Sutton Bonnington Hall by Our wedding

These are not helpful whatsoever, everything seems too much effort for them, we are so pleased that we have found out what these are like before spending £1000s of our hard earned money. We... More »

Charity event let down - review of Childs Play Leisure by Disappointed

I appreciate times may have changed however I have recently seen a review ability for this company. 10 years ago I this company was booked for a charity event in Loughborough. It was... More »

Best bread in area - review of Long Whatton General Stores & Post Office by Yvonne

Staff are always friendly- they sell best fresh bread Adkins I believe- either order or call in early to ensure you get a loaf they have in white, whole meal or granary in... More »


Map showing Main Street in Loughborough.